Department of Political Science

About The Department

About the Department

Political scienceis an academic discipline which undertakes systematically to describe ,analyseand explain the workings of government and the relationships between politicaland non political institution and processes. Department of political science wasaffiliqated in the year of 1999 in our khejuri college. Subject politicalscience affiliated general and generic elective. The course deals with political theory , political and nonpolitical institution ,public administration ,international relations, comparativestudy of government and politics etc. Huge of books are available in ourcollege library by which students enriched their knowledge. The department ofpolitical science organised state level webinar in IQAC khejuri college. We areresponsible  and transparent to studentsalso.

Aim and Objectives of the Department

  • To studydifferent aspects  of politics ,political theory , political concepts etc.
  • Discipline ofpolitical science consist Indian constitution, institutional functioning, powerstructure, religion , cast, class, political party , social and politicalmovement etc.
  • Student canlearn comparative study of government and politics , international relations.
  • Studentshould achieve administrative theory , concepts and issues.
  • Students alsoachieve Indian and Western political thought, public opinion and surveyresearch, democratic awareness , conflicts and peace building, nationalmovement in India, human rights etc.
  • To improvestudent’s knowledge and ability , department also provide weekly test  and topic wise test after completion of aunit.

Programme Offered

SR.No Heading Description

3-Year B.A. (General Degree) in Humanities

Programme Outcome

SR.No Heading Description

1.The State, especially the structure, functions and processes of the Government in terms ofü existing written/ unwritten constitutions;

2. The ‘value’ and ‘causal’ theories and also the long and rich history of political ideas andü philosophy;

3. Indian Government and Politics, as well as Comparative Government and Politics;ü

4. International/ Global relations and politics;ü

5. The theories and practices of a newly developed areas of Public Administration andü Public Policy;

6. Sociological understanding of Politics and Political Institutions are also formed throughü the study of Political Sociology; 

7.Various socio-political issues like Gender, Environment, Exclusion and Inclusion,ü Human Rights, Social and Political Movements are also given due importance; 

8.Research Methodology and hands-on experiences from the field;ü

9 Various Skill Enhancement Courses like Media and Politics, Panchayati Raj Managementü Systems and Legal Awareness;

10. It seeks to introduce the learners with various skills and experiences towards socialü change as well as being responsible citizens.

Course Outcome

SR.No Course Outcome Action
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Faculty Member

SR.No Image Name Qualification Designation Email Contact Number Area of Specialisation and Research Work Profile Vidyan Link
1 Mr. Joydev Barman MA Assistant Professor 8348677076

Understanding The Kurmi Movement in Jungle Mahal Area o

2 Mr. Rajib Nayak M.A. SACT-II 9573459849; 8509077360

Local Government, Society in India, International Relat