Department of Aquaculture Management

About The Department

AquacultureManagement is a very important subject of the science department of khejuricollege. This department has been running since 2012. Currently there are 4teachers and 1 laboratory attendant in this department. Regular theory andpractical classes are held in this department. There are dedicated laboratoriesfor practical classes. The laboratory has modern and advanced equipment, whichis very useful for practical and research of the students. Apart form studies,various training programs are conducted in this department. Workshops,webinars, seminars and educational excursions are also held every year. As aresult students can know and learn about many more subjects. By reading thissubject, students can learn in detail about fish farming, crab farming, shrimpfarming and various aquatic plants and animals and learn about fish breeding,fishing, identification methods, import and export of fish, fish diversity,fish by product in detail. People of this area, especially those involved infish farming, also participate in the training program and learn about modernand advanced methods of fish and shrimp farming and fish breeding. Afterpassing this subject, some students are working as fishery field assistants,some are working in research projects, and some are working in fish processingplants and technicians. Many students have taken admission in for higherstudies.

Aim and Objectives of the Department 

  • Apply research project to UGC, ICARand ICMR.
  • Setting up of Departmental Library.
  • To organize internationalseminar/conference.
  • To establish separate museum hallwith fish specimens.
  • To establish smart class room.
  • To provide extension offerings likeeducation, consultancy, mission components to fish farmers, fisher people,unemployed children and marketers in Aquaculture Management.
  • To facilitate comprehensiveimprovement of Fisheries technology for improved contribution to state economyand set benchmark requirements thru appropriate interventions in fisheriescoaching, research and extension.

Department Gallery

Programme Offered

SR.No Heading Description
1 Programme Offered

B.Sc. Aquaculture Management 3-yrs Hons. Programme (CBCS) 
B.Sc. Aquaculture Mnagement 4-yrs Hons. Programme (CCFUP)- 2023-24 sesssion onwards 

Programme Outcome

SR.No Heading Description
1 Program Outcome
  1. The Students would acquire basic knowledge on the taxonomy, anatomy and biology of finfish & Shellfish, Inland and marine capture fisheries, mariculture, ornamental fish culture, fish breeding, coastal aquaculture, and oceanography.
  2.  The students would gain knowledge about fisheries economics, Statistics, marketing, aquatic ecology, aquatic pollution, biodiversity, aquatic microbiology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, fish nutrition, feed technology, fisheries extension, fisheries co-operatives, fishing craft & gears and fishing technology.
  3. The students would gain proper knowledge on the fish by-product, post harvest technology, fish disease, immunity, health management, fisheries policy and laws, entrepreneurship development.
  4. The course prepare the student in understanding research work.

Course Outcome

SR.No Course Outcome Action

Faculty Member

SR.No Image Name Qualification Designation Email Contact Number Area of Specialisation and Research Work Profile Vidyan Link
1 Dr. Sushil Bera M.Sc., Ph.D. SACT-II 8116479768


2 Ms. Arati Chakraborty M. Sc. SACT-II 6297898654


3 Mrs. Jyotsna Mandal M. Sc. SACT-II 8001348605
